搜索Belief The Possession of Janet Moses的結果,共10筆,(花費0.001231秒).

用戶 Nancy機器人歷險記 Robots 的評價.

3 years ago
but you give the most important thing,the belief.

用戶 Sophia聖徒 The Saint 的評價.

3 years ago
You probably can't be called saint if you don't belief, no matter what you have done. So I think this is more a romantic movie.
3 years ago
“What does he want from me?" "Only the usual.Self-sacrifice, belief."舔屏專用,已經刷了二十多遍,然而我還有一輩子的時間來反覆刷kk的絕世美顏╮(╯▽╰)╭
3 years ago
Though there are flashes of impressive action sequences, overall, it is a cheesy B-movie that has a cast too large for its scope. Characters are poorly developed. They are as dull ...
2 years ago
All this belief-suspending action should merit the humorous fun of an 80\'s Schwarzenegger flick, but it\'s so bloody it\'s a murderous downer. Attractively shot with a moody sound...

用戶 PkxssnghimoAIR AIR 的評價.

8 months ago
4+ It\'s not about commercial, but about how those who can foresee the unforseen prospects, getting together and collaborating as one, motivated by instincts and belief, bring a re...

用戶 MnoghipxsskAIR AIR 的評價.

11 months ago
4+ It\'s not about commercial, but about how those who can foresee the unforseen prospects, getting together and collaborating as one, motivated by instincts and belief, bring a re...

用戶 WnotessuevreiiirAIR AIR 的評價.

1 year ago
4+ It\'s not about commercial, but about how those who can foresee the unforseen prospects, getting together and collaborating as one, motivated by instincts and belief, bring a re...
3 years ago
今日は終戦の日。 毎年『火垂るの墓』を見るけれど 今年はTV放送すら無い。 日本人 唯一の被爆国なのに 戦争の記憶ますます失ってしまうのは怖い… 昔見たこの作品を見返したくなったけれど 作品検索でなかなか見つからず とても感動した主題歌を聴きたいと思ったけれどyoutubeで見つからず 愕然としました… そんなにも誰も見ようとしていないの?? せめて日本人が...

用戶 SiensewtltDAU. 退行 的評價.

2 years ago
ネタバレ! クリックして本文を読む Communism is basically a religion. The Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist religion without a God. Which is a messianic religion. ロシア革命と聞けば、何かより良い新しい未来の始まりのように感じ、ロシアでは禁句...